My inspiration for Elivate Photography came after a lifelong and continual battle with mental health. One night I sat under the starry sky and looked up at all the beauty surrounding me. I couldn't believe that this was where life had taken me, in that moment I found what would be my drive and purpose. I wanted to spend my life pursuing those breath-taking moments and capturing them to share with the world.
Along with sharing my photography with the world, I will be writing a blog to discuss my mental health journey and eventually travels. I have decided to be completely transparent about my ups and downs, questions, and breakthroughs. In hope that my story will inspire people going through similar situations and bring more understanding to others. Essentially, I hope to build a community of honesty, knowledge, and support.
Moreover, I am committed to giving back; 10% of all profits will be donated to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Even if you are not interested in making a purchase, there is a donation tab to contribute directly to NAMI. Please consider looking through my galleries, comment, share, and help spread the word.
Thank you, El of Elivate Photography